| 1. | Thomas kwong , assistant director of legal aid 邝宝昌,法律援助署助理署长 |
| 2. | Alice chung , assistant director of legal aid 锺绮玲,法律援助署助理署长 |
| 3. | Expansion of director of legal aid s discretionary power 扩大法律援助署署长的酌情决定权 |
| 4. | Mr chan shu - ying , jp , director of legal aid ex - officio 法律援助署署长陈树太平绅士当然成员 |
| 5. | William chan , deputy director of legal aid 陈香屏,法律援助署副署长 |
| 6. | Mr . benjamin cheung , jp , director of legal aid ex - officio 法律援助署署长张景文太平绅士当然成员 |
| 7. | Discretion of the director of legal aid to waive the means test 法律援助署署长豁免经济审查的酌情权 |
| 8. | Mr chan was appointed director of legal aid in june 1996 陈先生于一九九六年六月获委任为法律援助署署长。 |
| 9. | Mr cheung was appointed director of legal aid in august 2004 张先生于二零零四年八月获委任为法律援助署署长。 |
| 10. | Discretion of the director of legal aid ( dla ) to waive the means test 法律援助署署长豁免经济审查的酌情权; ( d ) |